Tuesday, September 3, 2013


Today, we are told, there happen to be at least two million of these unfortunate persons--approximately half of which being children--as a result of the ongoing efforts by one faction to wrest control of government within Syria from its current possessors of power.  A particularly cruel and unjust situation that arises when factional conflict flares up within a particular locale is the creation of a refugee populace.

It is likely that the faction seeking to gain control away from the present powers that be possess no more competence or capability to effectively direct affairs, or deal with conditions that should arise within, that portion of our world than those who are now so desperately and stubbornly seeking to retain it (to the point of possibly resorting to the infliction of chemical weapons upon women and children).  One probable result will be for many of the "lucky" survivors to become additional members of the aforesaid "refugee" multitude.

In my book, World Unity, I detail the causes, extent, and needless suffering associated with the creation of refugee populations in various parts of our world; how factional conflict is frequently at its root; and how illogical border lines have served to exclude--or sometimes to imprison--human beings at numerous times and places.

What is needed in this presently unfortunate part of our world--and everywhere else, in actuality--is a joinder of all people to request, seek, and demand a single unified guiding entity, whose purpose would not be to exercise and retain power--but to promote and preserve benefit and betterment for all people, regardless of religious, cultural, or other affiliation.

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