Thursday, September 5, 2013


It appears that many of us, up until this present very hot August day, continue to debunk the warnings about the sorry state of our environment--and particularly about the fact that global warming is real, is caused to a great extent by humanity's heedless activities, and will come to constitute a real and horrid danger in the years ahead.  Picture, for example, instead of the 91 to 93 daytime degrees we have been enduring for weeks in central Florida, waking up to a weather forecast of 110 to 120 degrees (such as did recently befall parts of California).

In my book, World Unity, I devote a good deal of comment to our broken ecology, together with proposals to repair it before it is too late (said activities must necessarily transcend individual nations' claims of "sovereignty"--which are frequently but an excuse to continue ignoring and promoting ecological disaster in said nation's corner of the world--by reason of the fact that the results of unwise and damaging activities do not stop at "the border," but become worldwide in scope and effect. 

As regards the allegation that 90-X percent of the scientific community are of the opinion that global warming is truly occurring--and that the culprits are largely we humans--I am constrained to utter the old-but-wise platitude that "fifty million Frenchmen can't [likely] be wrong" (i.e., we should "play safe," and side with the majority of the scientific world).

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