Thursday, November 29, 2012


I have been writing this with an obvious anticipated goal:  to implant a seed in the minds of intelligent and well-meaning people everywhere, that will hopefully form roots and grow, and one day flower forth as a world that reflects the oneness of mankind.  It would be a world wherein there will no longer exist any national borders separating people into needless and dangerous groupings.  It would be a world wherein people will no longer suffer imprisonment--consciously, if not physically--within distinct patches of territory called "nations," and distinct assemblages which I refer to herein as "factions."

I firmly believe, and attempt to demonstrate, that the most fundamental needs and desires of all human beings are similar, when not identical.  These needs and desires wear different costumes in different places; but, when dissected and analyzed down to their most primary fundamentals, I think we must all agree that they always contain, and consist of expressions of, the same basic elements--which include:
a.  physical, mental, and emotional comfort, safety and well-being--for ourselves; our relatives, friends, acquaintances, neighbors, and associates; the members of the groups to which we feel a sense of belonging; the human race; and the world in general;
b.  freedom from harm, from fear, and from deprivation of any of our primary needs, rights, and desires;
c.  an opportunity for our individual selves, and those for whom we care, to live meaningful, fulfilling, and happy lives--in peace, in freedom, and in accordance with our own individual consciences, convictions, and aspirations.

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This new world, as herein envisioned, will nevertheless require a governing entity.  However, as I've stated in the past, I do not believe that people should be strictly "governed," or ruled over; rather, the world needs to be directed or guided by logical and objective standards, principles, and procedures--with the assistance of the most logical, objective, intelligent and capable persons and processes, who and which will assist in fostering and maintaining conditions that would produce fulfillment of these aforesaid needs and desires of mankind.

It is really but a simple, and oftentimes obvious, process to determine what conditions are necessary to produce comfort, safety, well-being, and opportunity for all of us.  The trouble--once more--is that man happens to be split up and separated into factions, each with its own self-interest and agenda.  This serves to prevent the implimentation and application of a single set of universal principles and operations directed toward the accomplishment of the maximum benefit achievable for each of us, and all of us.

As I have stated previously, the individuals who would determine these principles, and implement their application, ought not be chosen by reason of their "popularity," or personal charisma--or worse, having come into power by reason of their familial or social relationships or connections--or even worse yet, by snatching power via force, fear, or violence.  We have seen in the past--almost without exception--the mistakes, misdeeds, and outright evils that have been so frequently perpetrated at the behest of some of our "leaders" as they have been so chosen--or permitted by us to assume control over us--from the beginning of history, until the present time.

Instead, the individuals who comprise our government need to be persons who can logically and objectively assess the needs and requirements of the world and its people; identify resources available, or needing to be produced or acquired, in order to fulfill these needs and requirements; and formulate systems, as well as parameters, for the actual fulfillment of such needs and requirements, to such extent as this should be possible and practical.

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In retrospect, it becomes obvious that many of the endeavors undertaken to date by various of our present politically oriented governing persons and entities--mostly on an individual, piecemeal, and self-interested basis by each of them--would have been accomplished more economically, effectively, and appropriately, were they perceived, organized, and executed from a worldwide standpoint, by experts in the respective fields involved, and/or pursuant to systems and parameters determined by such experts.

It seems, in fact, to be a logical certainty that, at every moment, there exists a self-evident "best" means (i.e., most efficient and advantageous, while at the same time tempered by justice and beneficence) for dealing with every situation and condition that should exist or arise, regarding our world and our society.  This would require a certain seeming relinquishment of "control," and perhaps a consequent apparent "leap of faith," on the part of many people.  Most of us usually need to feel that we are "in control" regarding the directions and destinations of our respective lives, and those of our loved ones.  We believe that, by entrusting these prerogatives to elected officials, and to the minions consequently appointed by them (often their friends or colleagues), we have thus retained such control.  But in fact, by surrendering the administration of our lives to such usually inexpert "popular" leaders, we have actually given up more control over our existences and well-beings than we dare to realize.

It is herein suggested that we put our faith and our fates into the hands of people having the greatest quantity of knowledge, experience, capability, talent, and success, in the respective subjects involved.  These would have to be professional experts in their particular fields--having no personal or political agendas.  Methods and systems would admittedly need to be devised to determine, absent any and all subjective elements, the means of identifying these "experts," as well as means to ensure continuous loyal and honest performance by them of their functions.  Safeguards would need to be devised and put into place in order to insure the current and continued absence of personal, financial, or other improper or inappropriate motivations on the part of any or all of them, as well as the impossibility of private benefit or profit to any of them (or to any other person or entity of their choosing).  A very sufficient arrangement of financial and/or other compensation during said persons' periods of so performing would also need to be effectuated, in order to ensure honest and faithful compliance with the duties of their posts.

Of course, these "experts" must be individuals in possession of only the highest degree of qualification and competence in and for their respective roles in office.  Regression to "political" processes, or bureaucratic dallying, must be dilligently avoided and prevented in the course of determining who shall be requested to so serve the world and mankind.  Moreover, additional safeguards, including a system of checks and balances, will need to be in place, to make certain that there shall be no opportunity for degeneration into a form of world tyranny.

Personal rights and freedoms must always be regarded as sacred and critical objectives, when government policies and actions are being formulated and effectuated,  Although the application of logic to objective conditions and/or criteria may indifferently dictate particular policies, restrictions, or courses of action, the basic rights and freedoms of humankind must always be also factored into the equation.  Thus, pure, "blind," decisions, or excessive bureaucratic mandates, heedless of the personal circumstances and welfare of all or some of mankind, should never be the sole basis for the directions in which our governing body would proceed.

In addition, there must be an ultimate extraordinary opportunity for the people of the world to "change their minds," and reject what will have been established and accomplished.  Such an opportunity to "opt out" should require an expression of desire for such change on the part of a predetermined substantial percentage of all of us.  When and if this should occur, then, pursuant to procedures arrived at and agreed upon during the early period of "world government," one or more alternatives might be proposed, considered, and chosen.

Could such a massive alteration to the way the world is presently organized and operated take place in a single sweep?  I don't think so--but it can eventually be accomplished--if sufficient numbers are permitted to become aware of these suggestions; and if sufficient time and talent are expended upon the development of that which is so sorely and obviously needed by us all.

The human race is ready for such changes.  Union and consolidation began a relatively short time after the "Big Bang;" and it has been going on and on ever since.  An account of some evidences of this from our past is respectfully offered in my postings of March 13th through March 30th.  And this process continues to proceed forward, slowly and silently taking place all around us every day.  As it occurs, we nevertheless continue to protest and insist that such things as I foresee and recommend can and will never happen.  And, ironically, at the same time, we are ourselves simultaneously participating in the fulfillment thereof, during the daily routines of our very lives.  And, as we continue to move closer and closer together, the need for efficient and effective guidance and leadership, on a global level, by the most capable among us, and directed toward the well-being of all of us--instead of that of the governor, and/or of the faction that he governs--becomes more clearly apparent and more vitally important.

But, real and inevitable as this process and these changes may be, likewise real and inevitable is the danger that the human race may not survive long enough for this eventuality to become accomplished in its slow and gradual, natural fashion.  Or perhaps it will--but under circumstances wherein only a few survivors will be left to (probably gratefully) join into such a unified and sensibly governed body, within a world that had undergone one or more grave, self-inflicted, disasters.

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