Monday, November 26, 2012



Another subject deserving serious concern on everyone's part is the sorry condition of the physical world from a natural, or ecological, standpoint.  Symptoms of the sick state that we have inflicted upon our atmosphere and our natural environment in general include shrinking forests, thinning soils, falling aquifers, collapsing fisheries, expanding deserts, and--probably most ominous of all--rising global temperatures.

Environmental risks and the results of unwise and damaging activities do not stop at the border of the nation that is permitting them to happen.  They cause peril to neighboring regions as well--and often to the world as a whole.

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Global Warming

Among the dangers that threaten our world, global warming seems to stand out as deserving of the most current and pronounced concern.  Numerous knowledgeable people warn us that there does exist a real danger of future calamity, unless steps are undertaken now to cease, or at least substantially reduce, the activities that are wreaking havoc upon the fragile ozone layer surrounding our earth.

The damage done and dangers created by global warming in particular respect no national boundaries.  Thus, the measures necessary to hopefully remedy this looming disaster must similarly be taken by all, on a united and universal basis. 

Presently, many individual nations resort to a claimed right of "sovereignty" as authority to employ only such lukewarm measures, regarding the burning of fossil fuels and other actions that contribute to the atmospheric "mess" that surrounds our globe, as that (wealthy) nation cares to--because it is beholden to noone; or that (poor or recently industrializing) nation dares to--for fear of losing crucial commercial capability and activity.

National sovereignty is an inappropriate and improper justification for offending nations to set their own more or less ineffective standards and timetables for their grudging adoption of corrective steps.  A worldwide approach, with worldwide enforceable regulation, would be the only way to produce meaningful reductions of these activities that are presently contributing to our eventual doom.

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Air Pollution

As ever-increasing concentrations of carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrous oxide accumulate in the air we breathe, more and more of our people suffer and die from pollution-related lung disease.  It is estimated that, in China alone, perhaps a million deaths occur each year as a result of the polluted atmosphere that hangs over many parts of that country.  And in the United States, the number of deaths resulting annuallyfrom this cause has been estimated at sixty thousand.

Among the causes of this worldwide menace to life and health is the burning of fossil fuels in industrial centers, as well as the rampant clearing of vegetation to make room for new endeavors, such as agriculture, grazing, and housing, in areas that should probably be left in a natural state.

Widespread encouragement and developoment of alternative forms of energy, such as solar, wind, and water power, on a worldwide basis, would likely save many lives, and produce a healthier atmosphere for all.  Of course, this is not likely to happen as our present condition of division into nation-states continues to prompt wealthy nations to rely upon notions of sovereignty to justify their lack of cooperation in these directions; and developing nations to claim a need to do the same in order to move forward into the ranks of the wealthy nations (whereupon "sovereignty" can be utilized to support continued offensive activity).  Only worldwide government can formulate and impose enforceable worldwide restrictions and programs, developed by experts, aimed at preventing further damage; and, hopefully, commencing restoration of our environment to a more healthful state.

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