Saturday, January 12, 2013


"The will of the popple" has usually been relied upon in modern times as the most fitting and proper way to determine the decisions and actions that our governing bodies should pursue.  But if one examines the results of the wills and/or personal determinations arrived at by (perhaps a few, perhaps a great many) persons at a number of instances in our history, it can easily be recognized that these decisions thus arrived at, and actions thus taken, have not always been the most beneficial to mankind as a whole, and particularly to those who bore the unfortunate direct results of some of these decisions or actions.

Witness, for example, the decisions arrived at by persons within the European community during the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries which resulted in the abduction of millions of human beings from their native lands in Africa, and their transport to the American continents to live lives of cruel bondage as slaves.

Witness the decisions arrived at many years ago which resulted in exclusion of females from numerous rights and sectors within human society.

Witness the decisions arrived at by Adolf Hitler and his colleagues, and successfully foisted upon many of his countrymen, to the effect that the Jewish race was inferior, evil, and deserving of total eradication.

Witness the decisions arrived at by groups of Middle Eastern zealots to encourage and assist young individuals among them to commit suicide by setting off bombs in crowded places, and thereby taking numerous innocent people to their deaths along with them.

We can call to mind hundreds, probably thousands, and perhaps millions of similar instances of tragic error and outright wrongdoing that were brought about via the direction and guidance of leaders, supported by those whom they had convinced and led, whose decision-making were neither objective nor logical.  Many, if not most, of these things reflected determinations that were arrived at, edicts that were favored and supported, or customs that were permitted to continue, by the people of the places where they were originated and formulated.  And many, if not most, of the leaders who were in power, and/or originated or pursued these policies in these places, were in power via force, heredity, or perhaps election--and thus tolerated, supported, and encouraged by their passive or unkinowing constituencies.

In short, I dare submit that the immediate "will of the people," absent review and consideration against a template of logic and objectivity, is not in every instance the most kind, wise, benevolent, or beneficial course to be pursued.  And "the people's choice" is often less than the most appropriate person or group to affect and control the fate of mankind.  Viewed in this light, perhaps a different, logical and objective, less emotional or personality-driven, method of attending to the business of our world and its occupants should be sought and tested as soon as practically possible.  This would have to be accomplished via resort to methods that are outside of the currently standard means of creation and acceptance of political authority--which until now consist only of force, descent, tradition, charisma, political adroitness, bossism, and other such means by which our contemporary leaders are chosen, permitted, and encouraged to maintain power.

Of course, as stated numerous times by me, there would nevertheless need to be in place safeguards to make certain that such methods could not result in the creation of a dictatorship (perhaps a dictatorship in the hands of highly skilled and competent intellectuals--but a dictatorship nonetheless).  In addition, this "method" must be designed so as never to revert, or descend, to the nature of "politics," in any manner, shape, or form.

Furthermore, as I have stated earlier, there must be a final "opting out" procedure available, whereby alternatives to the then-current system of government could be determined and resorted to, should such come to be desired by a sufficient quantity of mankind.

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