Sunday, December 2, 2012



Security and Crime Control

A worldwide police force would be established to preserve the peace and apprehend lawbreakers wherever crime should take place.  Police personnel would also continue to perform presently traditional duties re the rendering of assistance to persons in various forms of distress.

Uniform worldwide crimimnal codes would need to be formulated.  Pursuant to these, particular acts or omissions would be permitted or forbidden everywhere, instead of depending upon what side of a border line one happens to be.  Further, the penalties for transgressions would likewise be similar regardless of the place of commission or arrest.

Actions and instrumentalities that are objectively injurious, harmful, or hurtful, to oneself or to others, whether that harm be immediate or eventual, should be illegal, forbidden, and prevented everyplace.  Everything else should be left to the personal choice of each competent adult person.  Children and incompetent adults must, of course, always be subject to the determinations and guidance of appropriate persons or institutions having care and/or custody of such child or person.

With this as a basic credo, groups of worldwide legal experts should assemble for the purpose of determining the legality and treatment of a great many subjects.  Concerning most of these, universal worldwide perception and approval should be determined, conformed to, and adopted.  Worldwide systems should be formulated, and worldwide prohibitions enacted, concerning various aspects of human behavior and endeavor.

In my opinion, religion per se, should never be a factor behind the composition of any such criminal or other legal codes.  However, it is understood and herein pointed out that most religions basically espouse the same principles:  goodness and kindness to one's fellows; and refraining from acts that are hurtful or harmful to oneself or others.  Thus, so long as somewhat "unique" religious beliefs or practices are not sought to be incorporated into a criminal code, the fact that the new criminal code might seem to paralell aspects of various religions ought not co nstitute a basis for objection.

Parenthetically, this worldwide code should particularly focus upon gun and other weapon controls.

A worldwide and universally administered system of prisons and other rehabilitation facilities would be established by worldwide experts.  Cruel, unusual, and inappropriate punishments or executions should be abolished everywhere.  Emphasis and methods ought be particularly directed toward rehabilitation, as opposed to punishment.  On the other hand, it is acknowledged that containment of a criminal so that he or she cannot repeat the wrongdoing would in some instances continue to be the more important objective.

In a unified world, escape to the jurisdiction of another country (before or after arrest) would no longer be possible; nor could the complications associated with extradition any longer exist.

Social Services

Besides monetary benefits, retraining, and placement services for the unemployed, and assistance to the poverty-stricken who are unable to help themselves, should also be provided.

Worldwide systems should be instituted to provide adequate pension benefits to those who should elect to, or need to, retire from gainful employment after a certain (predetermined) age.  Funding for this could be obtained from those entities who had employed them, from the employees themselves, and from the public sector as appropriate.

As I have stated earlier, reduction of the birth rate is a key element to improving the lot of mankind overall.  A worldwide census should be undertaken periodically, to determine, among other things, whether this is in fact happening.  If it is not, further lawful means should be considered and undertaken in order to further facilitate an end to our presently unchecked population explosion.

A worldwide code should also be enacted having a purpose of putting an end to cruelty to, as well as wasteful consumption and/or purposeful extinguish of, our animals and wildlife.


Transportation and traffic would be viewed, arranged, and controlled from a worldwide perspective.  A worldwide system of safe and modern roads, seaports, and airports should be the eventual goal, so as to make the entire globe--which would now constitute a single political entity--accessible to everyone.  Airlines, water transport companies, and railroads would no longer be operated under a variety of national or other local standards and regulations; and they would have theoretical free access to the entire world.  Experts would establish universal safety guidelines and standards to which participants in all forms of transport and travel would be subject.

Terrorism, which today seems to automatically come to mind when one speaks of transportation, would continue to need to be guarded against.  However, it is hoped that the absence of national states will serve to defuse some of the wrath that has led to such wrongful acts in recent years.  On the other hand, should it continue, it would be more efficiently dealt with on an international basis, as a crime against all of humanity, rather than its current perception and treatment as a protest against the acts or policies of a particular nation or group of nations.

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