Wednesday, October 31, 2012


The world that we live in today is quite illogically composed and operated.  There are many aspects of our various governments, legal systems, and laws that require amendment and improvement.  Our currently sick and lame economies are likewise in a confused and confusing array of conditions, and are in need of worldwide rationale, coordination, and salvation.  Further, it is obvious to just about everyone that social conditions of every nature and description are a shambles in many parts of the world.  At the same time, our ecological conditions are going from bad to worse; resulting in a real danger of an eventual worldwide grave calamity of this nature in the not too distant future.  There are, moreover, many other serious needs and deficiencies, of numerous sorts, in numerous places.  All of these are usually acknowledged and sympathized with; but otherwise officially ignored, or extended mere lip service or token assistance, by the powers that currently be.

Furthermore, we see frequent emergencies and catastrophes of every nature and description occurring around the globe--sometimes unexpectedly, sometimes periodically.  They are, likewise, usually dealt with, if at all, in a slow, superficial, and often inefficient manner.

Another set of issues concern science and technology.  Many branches are galloping ahead at breakneck speed.  But they embody at the same time many instances of wasteful duplication, as well as tragic omission, due to disorganization and lack of effective control, within their various disciplines, and overall as well.

All of these matters, and many many more, must be dealt with in a more effective manner than presently, if mankind and civilization are to survive and flourish in accordance with our potential.  The alternative is a shameful waste, as well as probable eventual disaster.

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